Thursday, January 20, 2011

LCS 3...the video.


  1. Tip: There's been very positive developments in the pirated S. Korea ship story you posted on earlier. Well, positive unless you're a pirate.

  2. still dont like the concept here, they should turn the LCS into replacements for the Oliver Perry frigates. Let the LCS take over for the frigates sub hunting duties, install torpedo launchers on the aft and bow of the ship, give it anti-sub helos, give it a good radar to detect sub periscopes and such (if its radar doesnt already), and a towed sonar array. i can see it also in a limited role in special ops, pirate hunting, but it would be a much better sub hunter, fleet escort and let the burkes and ticonderogas do the anti-surface and anti-air work.

  3. First off the naval leadership has already talked about using the LCS in picket & ocean escort roles. BUT the ships were NOT designed to perform such roles so there have to be fixes such as improved weapons systems, both guns and weapons, and sensors. That may be physically possible (NOT a given since HSVs are payload limited) and there is the quesiton of whether sufficient crew can be added for adtl systems.


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