In October 2008, an aircraft inspector evaluates a wrecked Sikorsky HH-60H Seahawk damaged during a mishap in Balad, Iraq. Fleet Readiness Center Southeast artisans completed repairs in December 2010 and returned the aircraft to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 84 in early January. (Photo courtesy of Ed Galluccio)
The Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 84 aircrew
taxis down the flight line at Naval Air Station Jacksonville for a
functional check flight Jan. 4. In October 2008, another Seahawk struck
the aircraft, both with rotors turning, during night operations in Iraq
causing extensive damage to the helicopter. Both aircraft were airlifted
to Fleet Readiness Center Southeast: one to be repaired, the other to
be used for parts. FRCSE artisans were able to repair both and return
them to service. (U.S. Navy photo by Marsha Childs/Released)
A Seahawk hovers for 30 minutes above the Naval Air Station Jacksonville
runway during an acceptance flight piloted by Lt. Cmdr. Chris Murphy
and co-piloted by Lt. Gabe Yancey of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron
(HSC) 84, Jan. 4. Fleet Readiness Center Southeast artisans repaired two
helicopters involved in a Class “A” mishap in Iraq October 2008. (U.S.
Navy photo by Marsha Childs/Released)via NavAir...
The Class “A” mishap occurred when the main rotor of a mobile Seahawk clipped the tail pylon of a second stationary helicopter during night operations that injured Iraqi and U.S. personnel and caused more than $1 million damage to each aircraft.An amazing job was done by the guys at the Fleet Readiness Center. Well Done!
The stationary aircraft sustained extensive tail pylon damage requiring a total replacement of the tail pylon and accessories, a repair that depot-level maintainers could handle.
The taxiing aircraft landed on its right side sustaining excessive damage. The right-hand landing gear and associated support structure either snapped off or collapsed into the lower fuselage. Also damaged were the aft weapons pylon and the horizontal stabilizer.
Based on an initial visual assessment, it seemed likely the aircraft was destined for the Stricken Aircraft Reclamation and Disposal Program (SARDIP) and stripped of valuable components with the remainder sold for scrap metal...(it didn't happen that way...follow the link for the whole story!)