Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quote of the day. July 17, 2011.

Thanks Phil!   via SLDInfo.

SLD: As a Harrier pilot, could you comment on the potential arrival of
the F-35Bs [Eglin AFB]?
Col. Tomassetti: It is ultimately disappointing constantly to see in the
news all of the things that the F-35B hasn’t been able to achieve yet or can’t
do and people completely missing what we’ve already achieved.

The fact is that we have a STOVL airplane that every pilot who has flown it
says that it’s easy to fly. In 60 years of trying to build jet airplanes and
do this, we’ve never ever been there before. We’ve never had a STOVL
airplane that was as full spectrum capable as it’s conventional
counterparts. We’ve never done that before in 60 years of trying.
It’s an amazing engineering achievement; [what] we’ve already accomplished
is completely being missed by some observers.”
That about wraps it up.

To think that you have NOTED, once RESPECTED, and LAUDED aviation writers from a number of publications that have missed this truth is amazing.

I contend that they haven't missed it.  Its been ignored.  Its been ignored as part of a larger agenda.

1 comment :

  1. Sure it's a great technical achievement, gotten in exchange for billions in cost over runs and years of delay. That's what Tomasetti is ignoring.

    The F22 was a great technical achievement, how many of them do we have compared to how many were "needed"

    The B2 was a great technical achievement, how many of them do we have compared to how many were "needed"

    The Commanche helicopter was a great technical achievement, how many of them do we have compared to how many were "needed"

    What irks F35 critics is acting like spiraling costs and long program delays don't matter as long as the aircraft is technically impressive.


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