Sunday, February 05, 2012

Acts of Valor. Another page in the playbook

I finally took the time to actually watch the preview of the movie Acts of Valor.


A must see.

The enemy must be saying that too.

Check out this review by Brandon Webb (Author of KitUp! and former Navy SEAL)
I mentioned last week that I was invited up to LA to see a private screening of Act of Valor and had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.  What I can say, is that this is the most technically and tactically accurate Special Operations movie ever made in my opinion. Enough said.
Maybe it has to do with the 50th Anniversary of the Navy SEALs, but I am becoming a bit alarmed.  As I said in a previous post these quiet professionals aren't so quiet anymore.

I know Rangers are running ops and I'm not hearing about it.  Same with Special Forces, 160th Night Stalkers, Marine Special Operations and Air Force Special Ops.

But the problem is that these guys (SOCOM) all operate from the same playbook.  They have unique specializations, but have generally become raiders.  And yes I'm repeating myself but between the publicized raid on Bin Laden, the hostage rescue in Africa and even before that the rescue of the ships captain off the coast of Africa, I can put together a pretty good defense plan for anything less than a company sized assault....and thats based off publicly available information on actual operations.

After this movie runs its course lets hope that the quiet professionals get quiet again.