Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The real argument against women in the Infantry.

BlackFive has a post up defending the decision to allow women to attend Ranger School.  A commenter named Grim has made the most fact based case against it....
Grim said...
A better argument: women are structurally at least four times as likely to be seriously injured in this kind of intense physical training, and possibly -- if the British army's experience is telling -- as much as eight times as likely.
This leaves three options for implementation, all of them bad.
1) Hold the line. Qualified women attend at full speed. Through no fault of their own, but simply due to the physics of body construction, we lose some of the best female soldiers in the Army to career-ending injuries; and/or we lose years of their careers to recuperation. This attains the stated end -- women who survive and get the tab will be due much respect -- but at a very high cost to the force, and the country.
2) Make another line. Men continue to attend at full speed. A second track for women, with a lighter physical load, is developed. Women with Ranger tabs end up the butt of jokes instead of getting the intended respect, because everybody knows they got the tab for less effort. This fails to attain the stated purpose of the reform, as the Ranger tab won't get the women any respect. This also severely damages the Ranger ethos, by making some Rangers more equal than others. A two-track elite is not an elite; only the top of the two tracks is the elite.
3) Abandon the line. Move the physical standards back to levels women can complete without sustaining the kinds of disabling injuries associated with the current physical fitness standards. This fails to attain the stated end, and actually achieves what Killcullen is worried about: it destroys the ethos associated with the Rangers.
And that's the real issue.

If women are allowed to serve in the Infantry...or go to Ranger School then you're going to have to lower the standards.  There is no if's and's or but's about it.

If you don't lower the standards then you're going to lose some outstanding individuals that could have served admirably in another career field.

If you make it a two track system where standards for women are different from men then you have just solidified them as second class warriors.

Men had to do more and be better to get to the same place.


This will end badly and the same feminist that are pushing this idea would never allow their own daughters to go through the training.  The same men that are so OPEN MINDED and don't care are the same men that would cringe at the thought of a woman they love going through this training.

Guys who are so behind this idea are either full of shit, lying to themselves or being politically correct.  Probably all three.


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  4. I want to know what Huron_Serenity said that Solomon deleted his/her comments.

  5. he's a personal troll of my website. why?

  6. Well put. There is absolutely zero tactical advantage in women serving in these roles, so why do it? Political correctness, thats it.. So much effort to integrate only to degrade the capability of a fighting force. The same thing is happening here in Australia. Anyone who agrees with it is an absolute IDIOT and has no real idea of what it takes to build a fighting soldier. Commanders may agree but they are told by government that this WILL go ahead, so they tow the party line, bullshit!!!


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