Monday, August 13, 2012

Israeli and Chinese Navy. 20 years of cooperation.

Uh quick question.  When the fuck did China and the Israeli Navy become BFF's?

The Israel Navy congratulates the Chinese Navy on docking at the Haifa port. On August 13, 2012, the Chinese vessels arrived at Israel in order to celebrate 20 years of cooperation between the Israel Navy and the Chinese Navy. RADM Yang Jun-Fei was welcomed by the Haifa base commander, Brig. Gen. Eli Sharvit, upon his docking.


  1. Think about it this way. Israel is sure to have gleaned some intelligence about the gear the PRChinese have exported to Iran.

  2. yeah and China has gleaned some info about the Israeli' must suck to be buds with the guys who made a missile that almost sunk one of your boats!

  3. Bay of Aden, Libyan evacuation, Haifa. Chinese navy is extending its reach.


  4. Dont forget that the word out there is that the sinocanard fighter,the J-10,was build using the R and D and tech.suplied by the US to the LAVI fighter just have to look at the J-10 and the LAVI to see that the «genetic» is the same.Not only that ,but russian,chinese and indian SU-30s use israeli avionics...they need to change their aproach towards their allies.Dont forget thai Israel will have the source code for the F-35...
    P.S-during the Falklands/Malvinas war Israel had technitians working on upgrades for the argies Mirage III /Dagger planes...and they keep doing their work during the war...Great buddies

  5. When we turned off the spigot for the Lavi, the Israeli's found someone with the funding to develop the Lavi or something similar to it in the Chinese J10.

    The US 'persuaded' the Israeli's to cut ties with the Chinese in the late 90s and the Chinese have been developing the J10 on their own. The Chinese were going to be the customers for the Phalcon AWACs as well, but the US again said to the Israelis that it would be a bad idea. The US encouraged them to hook up with India instead.

    I've read that the Iranians are interested in purchasing the J10. How sucky would that be for Israel?

    I don't know what the Israeli's were thinking because China will always be needing to import oil from the Middle East.

  6. when Israeli's give China the Lavi

  7. There has indeed been a flurry of high-level military exchanges between Israel and China recently. Last year, not only did the Israeli defense minister visit China, but the Chinese chief of staff visited Israel -- the first visit by such a high-ranking Chinese officer. This year, the Israeli chief of staff paid a return visit -- also the first. And now, the port visit.

    This level of back-to-back-to-back strategic consultation is unprecedented.

    It's probably because of shared anxieties over Egypt -- and particularly the Suez Canal. Both Israel and China were good friends of Mubarak, and neither is happy about his demise. Israel is currently planning a Canal bypass railway to the port of Eilat, and they've invited the Chinese to come in and build it.

    This "20 years of cooperation" thing is just PR-talk. There has been limited cooperation between Israel and China on naval matters to date. What it really means is that they anticipate a great deal of cooperation in the future, when the railroad is finished and has to be protected.

    America cheered on the "Arab Spring" and thought that democracy would lead to unicorns and rainbows. The Israelis and the Chinese looked at the Arab Spring and thought: Oh crap, we'd better figure out a Plan B. This is the difference between checkers and chess -- between idealism and realpolitik.

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    Merchant Navy


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