Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hamas now has FN2000 Assault Rifles. What else leaked out of Libya?

via the Firearm Blog.
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad al-Quds Brigades in Gaza has acquired a number of FN FN2000 rifles complete with grenade launchers. Given the relatively few potential sources of these rifles, the most obvious explination is that former Libyan rebels are exporting the weapons they captured during the civil war.
Hamas by any other name is Hamas.

Its my bet that these weapons leaked out of Libya and are in the hands of these terrorist.  The more troubling question should be what else got out.  Khaddafi was a fan of modern weaponry and what he couldn't buy outright he bought on the black market.  There is obviously more to the Libya story than we're being told.  Rumor has it that 10,000 Surface to Air Missiles-Man Portable are out and about.  How long before the bad guys setup at the end of a runway and take a shot at an airplane during takeoff or approach?  I'd bet valuable body parts that I cherish that bad news on this front is coming down the pike.

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