Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Syria. Wouldn't it be funny...

Wouldn't it be funny if the Russians pull the rug out from underneath the administration just later this week?

I mean, the Democrats are acting like this is a done deal and a way out.

What if this is all a game?


  1. What do you mean? Like Obama gets permission to strike Syria because congress thinks he won't and will instead take this way out, then Putin scraps the deal and leaves Obama with all the power in the world he needs to entirely screw himself over? I hope that's not the case.

    Right now the Russians look REALLY good on the international scene because of this deal. I don't think Putin would want to mess that up and risk losing Syria in the process.

    1. i mean he bypasses the UN all together and he tells the world that Russia has taken possession of the weapons and that while they take control, they'll have troops positioned inside Syria for the next year and a half. that would freeze everything.

      russia would still be a hero.

      the US would still be a pariah if we did attack and there would be no guarantee that the weapons would be removed.

    2. That would suck balls...

      Don't they have two amphibious ships stationed nearby as well? Now that I think about it every time the media has asked Russia what those ships are for they repeatedly say "evacuations," even though it's clear that they have already evacuated a vast majority of their personnel from Tartus. The truth is that no one really knows what those ships are for. It's already been known that Russia has sent several of their Marines to help the Syrians with "counter-terrorist" ops in 2012. If China teams up with them as they do this we're completely fubar.

    3. Putin: Syria chem arms handover will work only if US calls off strike


    4. Still trying to figure out Putin's play here. I think Putin knows that Obama will lose the congressional vote or at least has high chances of it and wants Obama to experience the humiliation. He sure doesn't seem to be pulling any punches.

  2. It could very well be a game, but if it keeps Assad in power and the chemical weapons more or less secure (under Assad or otherwise), it's all good.

  3. It could be a play from Vlad to put HIS troops and maybe even China's troops on the ground to "secure" the CWs. China does have an amphib in theater now.

    It would prevent any US missiles strikes and probably ensure Assad staying in power and winning the civil war. Russian troops would fortify his army, man SAM batteries and probably even fly Syrian jet fighters. It would make the USA kind of look weak but at the same time, this would be Russia and maybe China's mess to clean up so it could be a wash....especially since there is still Al Qaeda and company inside Syria so SAY HELLO to my little IED friend and car bombs on Russian troops....I would have no problem with that....their turn to taste that medicine.

  4. Thanks Josh O.

    It's just that one of the problems in the USA is that we think everyone thinks like us, we kind of all suffer from the same "group think".....USA doesn't want to put boots on the ground but let's not think that is what everyone wants to do, Vlad wants to keep Syria inside Russia sphere of influence, he wouldn't mind putting boots on the ground, might come back to bite him in the ass if he gets stuck there for a couple years like USA got stuck in Iraq for 10 years....but that might be Russia's play here. Or even China's since they have moved some assets in theater. It would no doubt prevent any US strikes because the risk of hitting Russian and/or Chinese troops would be too great but if they have to stay there for a couple of years, I doubt that all the locals will be happy to contend with foreign troops on their soil which could be a replay of Iraq but this time for Russia/China.

    Short term though, I think it is a smart move on Vlad's part, makes him look good on the world scene and he might get what he wants, just sometimes be careful what you wish for.

  5. I don't think a Russian or Chinese intervention on behalf of Assad is as comparable to Iraq as you are making it. If Assad is supported and victorious, the governing institutions will remain in place. They will not need to perform a full scale nation building operation, they will merely be reinforcing the national government and institutions already in existence. So long as Assad remains somewhat in control, they will be able to look after the nation building mostly by providing cash and other aid, and will be able to get as deeply involved as they wish.

    The Russians and Chinese will have the luxury of just focusing on the military mission. This mission could range from minimal combat, backing up the regime with technical support, SAM batteries, training, etc., keeping them mostly out of harms way; or it could be an all out offensive reminiscent of Grozny round 2. The Russian people seem to have much more stomach for slaughtering the enemy, and I imagine the Chinese do as well, although they have not really been in any situation recently to support the assertation. Between more realistic views of war, and government censorship, I think it is also likely that the populations of these countries would be willing to take higher casualties then Western populations would, especially if it were a relatively short operation.

  6. "Help Kickstart World War III!"

  7. China is currently extermining muslin minority in the north of his territory, and has almost extermined Nepal ( the country of gurkhas ) with his army.
    In fact China is experimented at this job, it's more for conventionnal warfare they lack of experience

  8. This administration is gazing at their anus and contemplating Unicorn Shit.
    RESET! What difference does it make and You did not build that are their snappy remarks.
    Their enemy is America, the constitution and conservatives, they see every enemy as a friend and every friend as an enemy.
    Their world view is opaque seen through an anti American screed and manifesto with G@d Dam America their battle cry.
    Their Ideology is whats blinding them to abject and painful reality.
    The reality is, these people in charge are amateurs and light weights in domestic and foreign policy and they believe they can walk around and run off at the very loose mouth and the MSM can cover for them world wide, Citizens of the World you might say.
    The Obama voters got a man who had no experience in any of the fields required to be a President yet the voters did not see they took Oprah's word for it that Obama was the Man. he is PRESENT but that's about all we can say.
    The worlds leaders, cold blooded, with NO RACE GUILT, ruthless and veterans of the politics and ways of the world saw him as an ideological driven fool with a high opinion of himself and just brimming with self esteem and racial injustice, During the run up to his last election he asked for voters to vote for him if not for any other reason but revenge against the man, whitey and Bush.
    To be the UN-Bush was his path and he took it come hell or high water.
    Now he, his voters and Us are going to pay for his incompetence and theirs.
    Vlad played Obama like a child and a fool, gave him enough rope and he hung himself with it.
    Yet the POTUS thinks and Kerry thinks they won!
    Hope and floggin' Change.


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