Friday, March 21, 2014

ROTC Scholarship Opportunity...

I like guys in the gun/ammo business..they're patriots.  Even better the AmmoMan had the gear during some of the dark days of the past (Sidenote:  Expect those dark days to return.  Obama's sanctions against Russia will probably include ammo and not just the Russian calibers either.  They feed all calibers at low prices...).

I like those gun/ammo guys even better when they support the youngsters, the military and on top of all that they give back to the community.

Having said that, Eric let me know that he is sponsoring a scholarship for a deserving young guy or gal that's in ROTC to help them further their education.

Read the details here.  If you know of someone that fits the bill get them over to the site and get their application in..cause when it comes to college expenses, every cent helps.