Friday, July 11, 2014

Lockheed Martin/Patria Havoc 8x8 (with turret mounting 30mm??? & Javelin launcher) screen captures....

Forget for a moment the Javelin launch.

Its cool but quite honestly so what.  I want a short ranged missile like that fired from the bush by my anti-tank teams, not the APC I hope will survive long enough for me to ride out on.

What has me jazzed is the turret on the Havoc.  What turret is that?  Its obviously capable of carrying a least 30mm and if we compare it to the work that Lockheed Martin UK is doing with the Warrior then we can plus size that to 40mm.

BAE, SAIC and General Dynamics better up their game.  I'm trying to run down info on the ACV 1.1/MPC in regards to rumors that I've heard, but Lockheed/Patria are playing for keeps and are pushing hard with their vehicle.

Sidenote:  THOSE CAGEY BASTARDS!  Notice how they prevent us from getting a good look at the front of the vehicle (that's not by accident either!)?  They tease us and then leave us hanging?!  They have some good guys in Lockheed Martin Ground Division but they piss me the fuck off at times!

UPDATE:  Everyone says this is the German Boxer.  On second glance, they appear to be right.  That even adds more sauce to the goose.  What the hell is going on?  Why not show us the front of the vehicle?  During a weapons test they have all views available---thats standard procedure---maybe just a quick press release that they didn't expect to garner much attention?

UPDATE 1:  The more I chew on this the less sense it makes.  Why choose the Javelin for a vehicle mounted anti-tank missile?  Don't the Germans have the SPIKE available?  Greater range, more powerful warhead...what the hell are the missile guys at Lockheed Martin up to?