Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Terrorists now have combat swimmers?

This is getting disturbing.

Terrorists now have combat swimmers?

Worse, from what I saw on the vid it looks like they have rebreathers!

Where are they getting this fabulous kit from?


  1. They've received BILLIONS (and continue to do so) from the EU, USA, etc. With that kind of funding they can certainly buy some toys. On the larger scale, Iran supplies them. On the smaller scale, there are all sorts of vendors out there who will supply toys for a price.

  2. With all the money ISIS (supposedly) stole, I,'m starting to imagine something similar on a us beach ( or in another country) but in a larger scale.

  3. Maybe they are taking Inspiration from the LTTE (Liberation Tigers for Tamil Elam). If thats true, wait till you see them get an Air Force and Navy.

  4. This shit is gonna get out of control...I may not agree with everything the Israeli state does and stands for as far as their politics is concerned..but damn I cheer them on every time when they go after these fools. They remain one of the few if not only people in the world with the backbone to get the job done without giving a damn about PC and PR. Waiting for the rest of the world to wake up and follow their example

  5. Re-breather's are common among scuba divers...My brother had one and had to think twice about using it while an Essex class was in Brisbane.

  6. Re-breathers can easily be bought in most larger scuba shops

  7. Well....They did have combat swimmers, >throws whiskey in a fire<


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