Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Expect more Ferguson's.... I'm calling it!

"We are jobless men, and this is our job now -- getting justice," he said. "If that means violence, that's OK by me.  Anonymous Ferguson Protester
Operative words in the above quote...jobless...

I'm calling it as far as an economic collapse approaching ... and fast.  The Arab Spring?  The US State Dept would say that it was a call for freedom.  The reality was that it was all based on poor economic conditions in those nations.  You don't see the same thing in Europe and the US because we have a much criticized safety net.  But thats a misnomer.  It isn't a safety net for individuals but a safety net for governments.

How do you keep people from rebelling?  You keep them fed and somewhat comfortable.

People are hot about the issues in Ferguson but for the first time we're finally hearing the truth. Its about the economy.  Racial strife might be a part but its mostly about the economy and the police shooting is serving as a nice, pleasant substitute for the real issue.

I'm calling it now.

We're going to see alot more of this...and soon.  No one wants to protest in the winter time, especially in the Northeast corridor where they're extremely vulnerable to this type of thing.

And watch out for this Oct.  I don't know why that is the crazy month for bad things with the stock market but it is and things are slowing down.

This will get more interesting before its all over.

Expect more Ferguson's, more unrest, and much more drama before the winter snows calm everything down.

You heard it here first.


  1. Funny how, as you post this, another guy has been killed near Ferguson.

    The world is burning, Sol.

    1. notice i don't label stuff "the world is burning news" anymore? its because its common language now so i find it boring. i might go back to shit is getting real!...and it is!

  2. https://news.vice.com/article/another-young-black-man-has-been-killed-by-police-in-st-louis-as-tension-remains-in-ferguson?utm_source=vicenewsfb

    Is this correct? The dude really asked to be killed?

    1. no big deal. suicide by cop happens everyday. everyone knows it, no one gets pissed about it. some people just want to die but they're too pussy to do it themselves so they need some help from a uniformed officer.

      i call it natural selection. if you can't hack life and choose to end it...cool. if you're too pussy to do it and need some help by cop...cool. but don't expect me to shed a tear.

  3. Off topic

    Just appeared on my Facebook feed

    1. again its terrible but how can you shed tears for cowboy journalists that put themselves in terrible situations? i mean seriously you're gonna go out alone to cover the war in Syria? are you fucking nuts! this was bound to happen and its not the first time. Muslim nations are dangerous for westerners pure and simple. you can talk global citizen all you want but there are definite no go zones.

  4. No sympathy from me...


  5. I don't get it, the huge black dude go to the store, steal from it on the eyes of the owner, when the owner try to stop him that walking hulk push him away like he was a doll. Then he walk with other dudes middle of the street and when he is stopped by Police man that did not have an idea about the stealing he is shoot down.

    Now, if that person was as some sources say intoxicated and aggressive, charge the Police man the use of gun was rather normal, number of small caliber bullets that hit that person also nothing surprising. I will wait for some more evidence.

    But in response to that the black community start to rioting, first peacefully and then with looting, stealing and putting things on fire. I'm really not surprise after what I saw in London, on my own eyes I ad as I was visiting my friend there in that days. And they speak about how Police try to stop they and violate there right to express. I call this a massive BULLSHIT!

    So, who will protest in the name of that store owner who was assaulted by Brown? Who will protest in the name of all those people who were attacked and there stuff pillaged by those "peaceful protesters"? I don't see them protesting when a black cop or any fucking cop shoot a white criminal!

    There is nothing wrong with Police... the society is fraking fuck up! And the more it will be fuck up the more Police will arm themselves.

    And if anyone would ask, yeah! I'm a racist! But I'm universal racist, I'm fucking disgust with anyone who act like wild monkey on drugs and say that he steal and burn for protection of his mutherfucking rights!

    1. I'm heat up so I will ad some more...

      Bu hu hu... we are living in fascist police state...bu hu hu I have rights to express my will to plunder...

      I'm sick of that comments when I read them under some of vid's on tube. If you were leaving in Police State there would be NO FUCKING RIOTS! The Internal Security would enter in full force, shoot the people, arrest them and put all those fucking idiots in the prison in ONE FUCKING DAY! You want some Police state?! Check the Soviet Union under Stalin... they did not riot there because they would now it would be a bloodbath, not a single killed but fucking ALL OF THEM!

      ARGH! I'm sick of those people.

    2. 6 bullet, with some in the head ? Police should neutralize, not destroy !
      The problem is here : it's the death Toll for just a refusal to comply : Why ? Because either policeman think blacks could have guns or simply dislike blacks.
      You can admit that situation compromize the point of view of black community.
      Police needs to learn shooting not lethaly ( on legs, with rubber bullets ?) or use more tazzers, and use only when thay faced a no choice situation lethal force.
      That's the way europeans police works.

    3. Black community... if you believe statistic the most criminals came from that community. The largest number of crimes in that city was done by blacks. And policeman put most of the bullets in the Brawn arm, but I understand in some ways him... I would put every bullet in the head of such huge man if he would charge me. It's like on the hunt, when you are surprised by charge of wild hog you try to put it as fast as you can.

      European Police, riots in London and in France say otherwise. We in Europe also have problems with blacks & Arabs. Those type of riots how end? Always pillaging, looting, fires... I may be now unfair, but when you look at all of those "protests" you think that some of communities just want to watch world burn.

    4. We have Riot specialized police...
      Yes most crime by black, but it's not relevant : most crime are commited by poors, which in many countries are blacks or arabs..

    5. Even with Riot squads how log it take to restore order in recent riots? Days... days of looting, fires and all those stuff. Crimes are crimes... poor or not poor, and when I see some "poor" people who don't have enough "support" and cash from gov. they are walking with new iPhone, new top notch shoes and have all those stuff that really poor people can only dream of. I start to be fraking angry.

      In my university days I was a volunteer in some actions that help distribute food and gifts to the most poor people in region. There is not too much of them but in most cases they were good people, simple good people that don't have luck in the life. They had problems with getting enough food, cloths and simple things that we don't even notice in everyday life. And then I meet some of "people" who use all money for alcohol and kids that say they are very poor because they don't have the newest model of iPhone, just the model from last year... and I just want to hit them in the face, grab by the neck and go with them to the really poor people.

      And all those racism excuse... this is the biggest bullshit I know. If the police is acting like that that's not because they are all racist... it's fucking statistic! And it's tell that most of the crimes in US are done by blacks. Poor or not poor, black community send the largest group of criminals on the street and prison. This is the statistic. I don't say that everyone of them are this type of people, many, many of them are honest hard working men.

    6. Same thing happens down here Shas, And it's ridiculous... They live in a shity place and instead of working hard to live in a better place, they go to the mall and expend all their money in expensive sneakers and expensive clothes. Later on they cry, saying that they don't have money for anything and bla bla bla
      Fucking disgusting.

      That's why I don't give a shit about them.

  6. The problem in Ferguson it's that they (the authorities) have made all the possible errors of the book and let the situation go to far. First days it was the military-like thugs, then the State Police and others actually acted as law enforcement, then enters the National Guard as the things go wrong again...

    If they want to make this quick, they hace to sent since the first days the message that ''no rioting, no looting'' and the best for that are professional anti-riot police. It could take days, but in the end the Press and the local civilians know that the only problem are the rioters and the things nearly always end without deads.
    But now many rioters act as if they were the victims, with all that ''police state'' thing, anything that the LE forces are doing is suspicious and so on.
    The danger now is to see more riots in others places, maybe even without a similar incident.

    1. Aye, true. They were not prepared for this type of action, overreact. But that's rather not a surprise, anyone heard before that about Ferguson? Anyone would think that the local police dept. would know how to react in that situation.

    2. Ferguson is near St Louis and Eastern St Louis is like Detroit with some of the worst crime rate in the US, in fact maybe many rioters are not from Ferguson...
      And since some days is just not the local police. Maybe they have to form a State Anti Riot agency, like they have State Police troopers. It will make more sense that to have SWAT-teams in every small town.

  7. Police are taught to stop the threat not shoot arms or legs. Whats the best way to stop the threat? #1 Shoot the t box in the head. 2nd best way multiple shots in the chest area. 3rd shoot the hips to stop mobility. Other than #1 an attacker can still kill you before they die. Why do most agencies teach to shoot upper chest vs the head? Liability and bad pr a bobbing head is hard to shoot and many police officers may not have shot a gun before the academy. Should every officer feel confident in taking a head shot and that is a big yes. I would hate to have someone injured in front of me because i doubted I couldn't put 1 in someones head at under 25 yards.

    By the way

  8. Winter is coming!



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