Monday, September 29, 2014

Fighting flares up in Ukraine.

Seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed when a shell hit their armored personnel carrier near Donetsk airport in eastern Ukraine, a military spokesman said on Monday, Sept 29, putting further strain on a fragile ceasefire in the region, Reuters reported.
It was the largest loss of life among Ukrainian soldiers in a single incident since the ceasefire began on Sept 5.
"Seven (Ukrainians) were killed late last night not far from Donetsk airport," Reuters quoted spokesman Andriy Lysenko as saying.
Separately, Yuri Biryukov, an adviser to President Petro Poroshenko, said on his Facebook page that the pro-Russian militias had fired the shell from a tank. He said nine Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in the attack and that tanks had been destroyed in return fire.
So much for the cease fire.  Just when you thought that hostilities in Ukraine were over with, it flares up again.


  1. According to my info we can tell about hundreds of killed, and more then thousand of injured from both sides. Ukrainians play hugger-mugger in process of POW exchanging. Then for rebels there is no sense to be passive. And Donetsk airport is a key-point obliged to be captured by rebels.

    1. Yeah they try to capture it all the time... "case fire" my ass. But Ukrainians deserve some solid respect, they still hold it. Even with all in there armed forces go FUBAR some time ago.

    2. @But Ukrainians deserve some solid respect, they still hold it.@ Yeah, they are very good in defense situations.
      @Even with all in there armed forces go FUBAR some time ago.@ But they have all possibilities to repair or even R&D of new systems. I guess Ukrainians have all chances to turn the situation to their aims/

    3. They can maintain and produce some quality arms, they can and are R&D some modern equipment. But those were small batch's that in most cases go for export, the Ukrainian forces were before that in state of decay almost. Perfect moment to attack them. They need time to rearm, refuel, equip new units and regroup old ones. But this is the luxury they don't have... time. The enemy receive supply all the time, weapons, "volunteers", intelligence... the Ukrainians had chance to push them from occupied territory with the momentum they create some time ago, they were stooped by heavy reinforcement from other side of the border.

      Now... I doubt they have the power to push another offensive.

    4. If it wasn't a key point for capture you can be sure it would be cratered into non-usability.
      Russian Paratroopers can jump in but to re-supply they need an airstrip.
      Since it's airstrip doesn't look like the moon it is subject to capture.
      The Russian may be a cold blooded heartless Bass turd BUT the Russian ain't stupid.

  2. Pretty much comes down to the ethnic warfare that has been the name of the game in eastern Europe, then you salt it with Nato vs. Russia. My big concern is it blowing up into something bigger.

  3. "Nato vs. Russia"
    NATO means USA. With each next day I’ m getting more and more sure that our “Tsar Pu” made some fraud with Merkel’ with all this Russian-German friendship scrap and concerned under cover with Obama to torpedo EUSSR for having fun and a lot of advantages. I see no tactical preparation to Nuke war – they should be massive arrangements with no possibility to hide. Of course we do strategic preparations to nuke deal but it is planned work. Recently from UN tribune Obama said that we better the Ebola-virus but better then ISIS (I hate him for this – we must be the first! Bggg). Actually in literal meaning it can be discovered as “ we declare war to that fucking Ruskies “ but in fact out super-elite didn’t take it as a threat. So I smell some hidden agreement to loot weak but reach EU.

    1. some typo
      @but better then ISIS @ means @but WORSTr then ISIS @

    2. Quite the opposite, this is an EU clusterfuck on every level, one the us is reluctant to be dragged in to.

    3. I agree... Russia after Ebola?! There is a possible cure for that virus... :D

    4. POTUS Barack Husein Obama bless his l'il peapickin' heart ain't gonna nuke anyone, nor fight Russia.
      He may be clueless politically in foreign policy BUT He ain't stupid.

  4. I do not know what you have all been following but things never even settled in Ukraine Rebels and Ukrainian forces have been battling around donetsk airport for some time,its just so that now US President Hussein needs at least tacit support from Russia (and indirectly Syria and Iran) to bomb Syria without SAM threat. Ukraine just disapeared from main stream media front pages ,so much for free media and jurnalism.

    1. There it is. You got that right. We give Ukraine to Putin, we get to bomb in Syria.

  5. There was a case fire there?! It was rather... less fire not a case fire. Russians attack all the time airport in Donetsk, Ukrainians respond with fire... where is the "Case fire"?

  6. Rule Number one for Mech Infantry:
    If your Ride (Armored personnel carrier) is not actually moving.....get the fuck out of it and dig in or find cover.
    That sweet dark hidy hole on wheels is nothing but a big attractive target for HEDPAT which can reach out and tap you from a long, long way off.
    Anti tank and anti mechanized forces don't call them "Spam in a can" for nothing.
    If it ain't rolling, get out.

  7. Ok. But in time – 5-6 hours. If I do not performance some ASAP assignments, I will have my ass styling in the Great Britain-flag)))))

  8. Replies
    1. Not at all. Feel free to ask anytime.

  9. Union Jack on the ass... this is a desecration of national symbol! :D

    The most interesting vid is the last: 1:27 – Reby’s hit with GRAD against Airport,

    My thought in short: In terms of general instability only economy and supply routes rules.
    Marks of the map – it is main communications and industry map of territories, controlled by rebels (colored) and nearer territory and . “two parallel thin grey lines” – automobile road, “two large pipes with smoke above” – power plants, “image of industrial building” – huge industrial objects with internal power plants. If the marks are green colored it means relevant objects are operational, if the color is black – not operational. The main cities and towns for us now are these three: Donetsk (ДОНЕЦК, the large city controlled by Reby on the west side of the map), Lugansk (ЛУГАНСК the city controlled by Reby on the west) and Debaltcevo (the town between Donetsk and Lugansk , controlled by Uky, for orientation – large red “3,60”). Black airplane in a circle marked the Donetsk air we discuss.
    Another marks: “Black dash line” – railway, “blue line” – gas pipelines, “black solid line” – oil pipelines, “two blue objects” – underground gas storages.
    Main details: the battle theatre – an airport of Donetsk – most of territory of the airport of such is controlled by Uky. All north-west territory from the airport is controlled by Uky too. In the airport are: wide web of basement communications, special soviet-built ant-bomb shelters, large emergency stock of fuel, ammo, food. Not so good with water but it is not crucial. Reby has no stable control on airport buildings – yesterday they capture a building, today they lose and so on. A lot of personal, armor and artillery of both parties are located
    Motivation and tactic for Uky: in strategy- to block Reby on the territories, controlled by them, to “tie” Reby and limit their possibilities of further capturing of additional territories. In tactic -Uky use Donetsk “holdfast” as a main western block point and a position for artillery. Their main tactic in this case – hold positions at any price and hit the city with artillery from time to time. These strikes are not crucial for so large city (before the war population of Donetsk was about 1 million), but have good terror effect on civilians – they demand from Reby to stop it, reby attack again and again Uky’s lines bu shooting and suffered loses. The Uky’s tactic works.
    Motivation and tactic for Reby: in strategy – to capture as large territory as possible (no matter on what direction). The more territory – the more influence, and influence is good for internal competition - (Reby are not solid absolutely and have a lot internal tensions) and trading with Kievan authorities and Russia. In tactic Reby use “wasp swarm” type in condition of short and secured supply and communication lines.
    In Donetsk airport both sides are almost equal in personal, armor and artillery.
    But main factor – Winter is coming. Look at the map – Reby control territory with totally destroyed “warm-producing” infrastructure. Before the war density of population in the region was more than in Moscow region (!!!). A lot of people run away, but at least 50% still stay there. Rebels with some little-little help of someone I never name)))) can defeat Uky on the battlefield. But it looks like more hard job to do – support locals to survive. But locals do not recognize Reby as a authority if they don’t support. Uky keep Debaltsevo very well – as the result possibility of survive to Donetsk population (with Russia-Lugansk – Donetsk communications cut off) is very low.
    So my bet is on Uky. They have all possibility to win the battle (not the war). And Reby’s more possible Fate – retreat to Lugansk.
    And some photo of Ukrainian Army at the end of the story

  11. Sorry for dubble posts - I don't know how to delete((((

  12. Nice briefing info' pretty interesting. Btw. last link, second photo from the bottom, Ukrainian soldier hold a weapon, can't recognize it... Tavor?


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