Monday, September 22, 2014

Tomahawk cruise missiles and Fighters strike Syria!

Breaking news...more to come....


  1. Welcome to the real world Barack Hussein Obama.
    It's your war now Bubba, hope ya know what you are doing.
    Good Luck Barry, we will surely need it.
    Get Some Choomey!

    1. dude you do know this shit is gonna turn nasty. nasty as fuck. Obama doesn't have a clue, this crop of Generals don't have a clue.

      we're fucked. they're gonna hit somebody and this shit will spiral. i'm betting Jordan is gonna get blasted with a rash of suicide bombers.

    2. Sucks. To. Be. Us.
      I hope they got a plan.

  2. Wonder whether ISIS will suddenly up and disappear now that we've finally wormed our way into bombing Syria. How long until we're bombing Assad's forces too?

    1. we can't. they have Russian advisors on the ground.

    2. Russian advisors on the ground? Fuck, i can see shit hitting the fan pretty quick.

    3. What is to prevent the Syrians from shooting at us? I'm sure Russia would like to get their hands on a crashed F-22.

    4. Mike K: What is to prevent Syria from shooting at us? As in our strike aircraft? Simple Sherlock it's the The AGM-88E.

    5. Scuttlebutt is a B-2 one or more was in the strike.

    6. Assad stood down his AAA/SAM either he could not shoot or would not shoot, and did not even turn his radar on.
      I'd say he was in on the plan.

  3. Btw.

    Do you guys have to be worried about the first news?

    1. Thanks for the link Andre.

      Worried? Why should we be? Our borders are secure!

    2. What me worry? Hell I got land tax coming up due, that worries me more.

  4. Solomon, now we need you to post back that Hunt for Red October Admiral dialoge.

  5. ISIS used chemical weapons that's the red line for them. I'm personally glad that the US does this work, bombing terrorists.

  6. Well, Putin as usual said that no one can bomb Syria without a permission of Asad. No shit.

  7. Solomon posted "...Tomahawk cruise missiles and Fighters strike Syria..."

    A few days ago, wife freaked out because she found a tiny cockroach in the backyard warehouse and she called me to exterminate the "monster". I did not use darts to kill the cockroach, nor an airsoft rifle, nor a .50" machinegun - I just sprayed some insecticide.

    These airstrikes are totaly wate of time, waste of money, waste of ammo plus high risk. The ISIS cockroaches can not be defeated by conventional means. So, I 'd say GAS them and if not effective NUKE them from above. Its the only way to get rid of them.

  8. Plus, there are confirmed reports about a Syrian Sukhoi Su-24 shot down by Israel Air Defence by MIM-104 Patriot SAM. The Su-24 was flying at 10K to 12K feet over Golan area, in order to release weapons on ISIS targets. Correct me if I am wrong, but this must be the first Syrian aircraft shotdown by Israel after the Lebanon War during 1980ies. Hmmm... Yeap, the Hunt for Red October Admiral dialoge, fits perfect now/

    1. Bedford incident movie comes to mind, Captain says to Sidney Poitier "If he fires one, we fire one....." gunner says.."FIRE ONE!"
      2700 feet inside IDF airspace, confirmed fighter in attack profile, NOT A MALAYSIAN airliner and it's "weapons free!"

  9. F-22 makes its first combat sortie in Syria, for a bombing run.

    In Syria, Pentagon's F-22 Fighter Plane Makes First Combat Appearance
    Pilots Fly F-22 Over Syria to Bomb Militant Islamic State Group Targets

    WASHINGTON—The Pentagon's most advanced fighter plane made its combat debut in the U.S.-led strikes on Syria overnight, serving a crucial purpose for a sensitive mission that depended on stealth.

    Pilots flying the F-22 Raptor flew bombing runs over Syria to target the militant Islamic State group, U.S. officials said.


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