Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Is Canada facing a complex terrorist attack? Updating this continuously....

News is on right now that Ottawa is under lock down.  A madman with a gun is on the loose and he's spilling blood.

What I wonder is if Canada is facing a complex terrorist attack.

Several days ago a Canadian soldier was rundown.  Reports state that he was attacked by a radicalized Muslim.  Now we have this.

One of the scenarios that I've talked about is a small group activating and setting up sniper hides in all parts of a city.  Have you noticed how much manpower modern police deploy to handle one shooter?  Four or Five active shooters at the same time would CRIPPLE a major city.

More to come I'm sure.

UPDATE:  This is looking more and more like a terrorist attack.  Just plain awesome.  Canada has lax immigration laws and this shit just bit them in the ass.  According to news reports we're next.  I guess this might be our Oct surprise.

UPDATE 1:  Supposedly they're now hearing explosions.  Nope, it appears that there is some type of running gun battle and not explosions.

UPDATE 2:  If you don't conceal carry you're a fool.  Too many dangers in today's world.  I heard a grown man being interviewed and he has barricaded/huddled in a corner in his office.  You do realize that this barricade and hiding thing was designed to protect school kids after the Columbine affair!  Besides the idiocy of a man expecting another man to protect him, you also have the sad fact that law enforcement always gets their after the fact.

UPDATE 3:  The attackers are supposedly wearing all black with "Arab" head dress.  Sounds like ISIS wannabe's to me.


  1. For now it's not look like any type of organised action, if it is a "terrorists" then they act without sense, no plan, no concrete target, totally amateurs.

    If I would bet... local radicals, no organisation, no plan beyond "let's go there and do something", nothing that would deserve a "terrorists attack".

    1. wrong Shas. just because you're amateurs doesn't mean that it isn't a terrorist attack...but more importantly you have to look at the target. these fuckers attacked the Canadian parliment today and a few days ago attacked a Canadian soldier.

      these might be amateurs but they're still terrorist...and the terrorist label applies.

    2. I did not specifies what I mean about that "terrorists attack", sorry for that Sol'

      I mean that if this is that great attack, it's just poorly done, amateur... not that his is good, the more stupid they are the better for us. This is just not something I would call a complex terrorist act.

    3. i label it as complex because you're looking at several different locations being attacked at the same time dispersing govt forces and causing operational chaos to responding LEOs because they're getting a fuzzy picture. reports are coming in of shootings in different locations in a relatively short period of time. they have to puzzle out whether they're facing one shooter on the move or several shooters.

      that slows response time, decision making etc...

      like i said ... they maybe be amateurs but this is still a complex terrorist attack.

    4. The War Memorial is very close to Parliament, the other side of the street, we can count this as single location as the attacker that wound a guard run towards the building shooting. This is the same dude that probably was shoot down. The other one or more are probably running away and chase down by Police, no more info about any victims for now. The Police order close of near shopping center and next there are some shoot near it... maybe it is the second target or attacker/attackers just run in direction of it.

      Still almost one location. It's don't look to any type of complex operation or even... an operation. I still bet on bunch of radical amateurs without any type of organisation or plan above "go there, do something".

    5. your thinking is flawed or at least not matching up with how complex attacks are defined. each building is a separate location in an urban area. each location is a "target" of the terrorist. additionally mulitple buildings means multiple responses by the police.

      we can agree to disagree but i stand by this as being a complex attack...perhaps carried out by amateurs but still complex none-the-less.

    6. Sol' Police response to War Memorial put them on the other side of street to Parliament and on the other side of the bridge where that shopping center is. Check map, no separate location, this is the SAME location. Separation would mean the potential attack would take place in different location in city... not in the same one.

      It's look more and more that those amateurs don't have a "complex" word in dictionary. But that's good, hope Canadian will hunt them all and shoot like rabid dogs.

    7. Ottawa is my favourite city in Canada, I try to move there twice from Montreal but finally I came to Calgary. I was always amazed how approachable and friendly was the parliament, no fences, no too many security guards, everybody can take a tour inside with their kids etc. I wonder if they will keep it the same in the future. To give an idea of the magnitude of the offence, is like somebody attacking the white house, we don't have president here.
      I'm also sorry for my Muslims friends in Montreal. they are pissed off about Isis and terrorist. I even have a Muslim friend that was on the TV denouncing them. He is part of a moderate Muslim movement called "not in my name" putting him and his family at risk denouncing the Terrorist. The moderate Muslims had already a lot of struggles in Quebec, they are considered primitive and violent people when in fact, most of the Muslims that I know in Canada are well educated and over qualified workers doing cheap labour. I guess their situation will become even worst after this.

    8. Separation could be an L ambush with one team as base of fire and the other the assault element.
      Same as a decoy and diversion versus the main effort.
      Different locations do not have to be separated by a larger space than is needed.

    9. superrhinoeront
      There are no Moderate Muslims.
      Muslim's by their word of God do not and cannot be friends with an infidel or apostate.
      To believe in such is foolish or presenting taqiya and suspect.
      No, I don't care what you say or think Muslim friends is an Oxymoron unless you are a dhimmi, apologist or a fellow Muslim.
      The Muslims situation is what they make it, laying blame doesn't cut it, next you will blame the guard for his own murder.

    10. Thanks Zebra for your comment, it explain better what I was trying to say about the problems my Moderate Muslim friends have to deal with in Montreal. I'm Catholic, and I don't consider other Christian denominations as non real Christians or Muslims as evil per nature. When you live in Canada among so many cultures and religions you learn that there can be moderate and fanatical in all religions, included Christians in the past. Actually we don't burn witches or heresy any more. Muslims need to enter to the 21th Century dealing with their own demons.

  2. If it is a complex attack they are not that well coordinated.
    Perhaps there was a plan that was implemented but flawed.
    With cell phones this would be a better orchestrated event, as it is now it looks somewhat spur of the moment and on the fly.
    Still it's a terrorist attack no matter how screwed up or amateurish.
    Not quite a Mumbai but still it gathered Media attention.

  3. Immigration had nothing to do with the attack on the two soldiers earlier this week. That was mental illness. Martin Couture-Rouleau converted to Islam just last year. He probably just as easily could have gone Aryan last year and driven over two black guys last week instead. Or shot up an abortion clinic. Or done whatever else people do when they embrace an ideology that espouses violence.

    1. wait one second there.

      I am NEVER going to defend the Aryan Nation. NEVER. but you don't hear about them going around killing black least i don't and i have my ear to the ground for such things. i don't hear about radical Christians attacking everyday people. we have more than our share of wackos in the US but and while they might be bigots, hatemongers or whatever you want to call it they target mostly police.

      attacks against the military or even politicians is extremely rare even with a MUCH MUCH larger population than Canada.

      what we do have is one thing that ties all these incidents together.


      i believe in judging people by the content of their character because i've met IDIOTS, CON ARTIST, and FOOLS from every creed, color, religion, sex and nationality...but Islam seems to be different. if that makes me a racist then so be it...but something is definitely different about that religion.

  4. Yeah, you're right. Only this article supported my Aryan statement:
    and it's a pretty weak position to be arguing from. Seems like the difference is that most Western hate groups have moved to simply be about making money, be it through drug dealing, prostitution, or collection plates. The 'hate' part is just a lesser common interest, like motorcycles to the Hell's Angels. Seems more about money than about actual hate. Islam seems purely into the hate, and only want to make money to further the hate.

    Canadian extremists do seem more likely to attack government officials. Last year two decided to try to blow up the BC legislature
    Another case where immigration wasn't the issue, though.


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