Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Warning! Not Safe For Work! Is this what "Women in the Infantry" crowd want for America's daughters?

I've called them animals.

I will never publicly speak my true feelings about the "radical" Muslims that are rampaging thru the Middle East.

What I will continue to harp on...is this simple fact.  War is barbaric.  Do we really want to subject America's daughters to this?  Are we really ready as a society to accept the possibility of this happening to one of our own?

Women in the Infantry is an awesome campaign slogan.  It excites feminists, makes lesbians wet themselves and the liberal elite can claim that they're fighting for equality.

The reality is much more harsh.  Busted knees, a bad back, sore shoulders, aches when it rains---and even sometimes when you wake, are all by products of the life style...and that's if you don't go to war.

If there is one issue where cold facts and not wishful thinking MUST take precedence then its this one.  Women are NOT physically designed to participate in infantry action as its currently conducted.  In the future?  Maybe.  But not now.


  1. There are some few women, less than 1%, who could handle the physicality of it. But even then... why? Women are supposed to be the glue of society. Civilizing Men, not fighting with them, is what Women are here for.

    1. in a quest to achieve equality they're giving up their moral superiority. if it wasn't happening in front of my eyes i would find the whole thing funny as hell.

  2. I wonder if those bastards know there are women pilots bombing them right now.
    I remember when the Shining Pad group was destroying Peru in the 80' the Army use to kill the women first. They say women were the bloodiest terrorist. Also it was very demoralizing for the terrorist.

  3. Thoose bastards themselves arm woman volunteers. IS uses women soldiers in auxiliary roles, military police etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TkuAIKoI28 .

    1. They can rest easy doing that because soldiers of the west won't treat their women the way they treat the women of their enemies. It's a lot different.

  4. The stuff of Hollywood, that shows 5 foot 95 lb woman kicking hulking enemy ass at every turn has fooled folks into thinking this can be possible.
    Ladies please, if you cannot open a jar of pickles you will not be able to dig a fighting hole after humping 145 lb gear to the AO all day under fire, stay awake half the night, fight off a trench raid and then be up before the sun and ten miles down the road after a breakfast of recon candy which will be a cold cup of coffee and four aspirin.
    You will not be able to load a 155 mm artillery piece under fire during battery fire.
    You will not be able to pick up your 185 lb buddy with a traumatic amputation from a mine and hump him back to the Corpsman.
    No matter what you have seen and read, heard or believe a woman cannot operate as a combat infantryman under real live combat conditions.
    And if you are captured you will be passed around before being killed.
    If not your captivity will be as a comfort girl until you do die.
    The enemy is there to kill you, he will.
    Tears and feminist rhetoric won't stop him.
    Don't be suckers and fooled by these Hollywood stereotypes such as Michelle Rodriquez, Milla Jovovich or even alien buster Sigourney Weaver, they are not going to be with you and have never even been within five thousand miles of a combat zone.
    It's not equality, it's hell.
    Go read a history of Pelilui, The Chosen reservoir and ask your self if this is what you want.
    Don't be a fool.

  5. Considering the sophistication of IS's propaganda, I'd call this highly suspect.

    A,) I don't think these Kurdish girls will surrender because they know what is in store if they do
    B.) If she was killed, this could be a mutilation, not a live beheading.Still gruesome, but not the same

    We have conflicting stories as well:



    So, who knows what is going on.

    One thing I would like to point out is that the Kurds might have larger units with women in them, but the women are in all-female sub-units. It's like the Kurds know, in spite of their egalitarian socialists ideals, that treating women as sexless cogs to replace others cogs in the machine, is a fiction. The women train and are housed together, then brought up in sub-units

    And these are militia units, not professional units either. They fight on their own turf or for their own people, not 500km from home on an extended deployments. While we might see women in combat, these aren't parallels to what our military is looking at trying to integrate professional in majority-male units without regard to housing/fraternization issues

    1. You hit the nail Soviets and most of east-europes partisans had women in fron line combat but that was do or die type strugle where every body counts , not a carer move like it is in modern profesional armies.

  6. Sol I see it as the Libs way to keep us out of wars. When there is a war with American women being treated like this 1 of 2 things will happen. The manly visceral urge to kill everyone no matter the cost for doing this to one of our own, or the we should not be there crowd will win. My guess is the weak we should not be there crowd is who they hope will win.

    1. thats a fair point but you see what i'm talking about everyday. i can't tell you how many times i've seen a male cop have to save a female cops ass. its not even funny. the shit i read about with female prison guards makes me cringe.

      to put that dynamic into a military unit will be nothing but trouble.

    2. Just in case who and where I work ever comes out I'll temper what I'm about to say. I have not once been helped by a female in a fight. Now I know a few I wouldn't mind in a fight with me, but they aren't the normal females I think one could be a linebacker. Other than that many refuse to keep their shooting to standard and fewer stay in shape other than to look good, but not to win a fight. I hate to say it, but only a few are respected for being able to handle their own. They say we only look down on them because they are female, but its they are not into or willing to do the things needed to stay proficient in a hand to hand fight nor in a gunfight. The only thing they have going for them is they can use more force than a male and get away with it.

  7. if these men had their way and an endless stream of supply, technology, money, recruits and training facilities....I have no doubt that they would be the end of all civilization.

    1. no they wouldn't. what would happen is that alot of guys that don't say shit because they want to be politically correct, are worried about their jobs or are scared of their wives or girlfirends would finally find a pair. speak the truth and deal with these bastards once and for all.

      they would be bombed, their families bombed, the entire region bombed until it was just a hole in the ground...and once the dust settled we'd see who was left and bomb them some more.

      and then we'd bomb them one last time to make sure. you wouldn't be able to live their for 1000 years but we would have a peaceful planet.

  8. Again, like I said before, this is where SJWs have a glass of STFU (assuming the ISIS shit is true).

    Women in combat is very appealing to them because it bolsters their delusions about "see? they really are equal!", never mind the fact that such experiments have been tested before, and the failed before being changed. The Soviet Army and Israel are perfect examples.

    No feminist is arguing for women to be conscripted! funny how that works. /rolls eyes/ (and before anybody gives me shit about my "sexist statement", 1.) I dont give two fucks and 2.) I consider myself a pro-feminist and egalitarian too, so STFU)

    These "all equal" delusions will literally be the catalyst that accelerates the downfall of the American military. Our adversaries are not fooled into such bullshit, which makes this a scary time to live in.


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