Saturday, February 14, 2015

Type 95 Ha-Gō (Japanese WWII Tank) undergoing testing by US forces.

The Type 95 was a 7.4-tonne vehicle with a complement of 3 crewmen: a commander, a hull machine gunner, and a driver.
Only the commander was seated in the turret, hence he was responsible for observation, loading, aiming, firing the main gun, as well as decision-making and commanding the crew.
The hand-operated turret was small and extremely cramped.
It proved sufficient against infantry; however, like the American M3 Stuart, it was not designed to fight other tanks.
Approximately 2,300 units were produced, making it the most numerous Japanese armored fighting vehicle of the time.
Absolutely awesome find by Digital Implosion on YouTube!


  1. Offtopic
    presented a MRAP for Ukrainian army, named “Shrek”. The producer declared it
    costs 300-600 k$ (subject to complectation).
    a relative vid

  2. Offtopic

    Gee! I
    completely fall in love with that Disqus!

  3. Poroshenko came to the table because his forces have not been doing well, and Debaltseve with 3,000 troops was (and is) completely surrounded, in an untenable situation which is being "cleaned up" no doubt.

  4. Offtopic
    The first
    installment for British AV’s arrived to Ukraine. A party in 20 English Saxon
    AT-105 arrived to Ukraine and are tested by now. The Poroshenko’s advisor Yuri
    Biryukov said, the armored car, nicknamed "bad turtle", hold out
    against B-32 ammo (7,62*54/armor-piercing /incendiary), the relevant photo
    attached, which penetrates BTR-80’s armor. This way Biryukov
    disproves publication in media, that
    Ukraine allegedly purchased in UK "Military scrap." As known, Ukraine
    purchased of 75 "Sakson"AVs from
    the UK’s storage. A piece costs 51 000
    $. The first party in 20 armored vehicles arrived in Odessa’s port, then to
    proceed in Nikolaev and Kharkov, to establish fighting modules. After this the Turtles will go to serve in Donbass
    region. One more 55 such AV’s will arrive during 2015. The CEO of
    "Ukroboronprom" declared the company-producer is obliged to provide a further guarantee maintenance and repair to the AVs.

  5. The problem is that the situation you just described is exactly the reason why we (US) AND the Europeans should arm Ukraine. This conflict is going to escalate without anyone's help because Putin wants it to. For some reason, people think that this is just some sporadic thing, like Putin just decided that he wants the Ukraine and if he gets it he will be content and he wont cause anymore trouble or people think that this was all about the Ukrainian revolution and Crimea. Those may have been "starting points" but they were just excuses for Putin to start a campaign that will surely not stop at the Ukraine.

    I truly don't understand the fascination with appeasement among European leaders, they know that it doesn't work, yet they predictably always go for it. Then again, the leader of my country only knows how to govern via appeasement so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

  6. Man that is some thick paint on that saxon. It definetly offers more protectiaon and space than BTR BUT BTR packs a 14.5mm machine gun that can punch trough and trough most old gen APC's

  7. Saxon is better then nothing. And it was
    declared in media that battle complexes will be established on the Saxons – it is
    the first issue I’m interested in, what complexes they are talking about. The second
    interesting issue – how Ukrainians will be successful in logistic and repair support
    of the Saxons (If I’m correct – the Saxons documentation and technical standards
    are in inches, but Ukrainians historically practice only metric system).

  8. When the UK army tried these in actual combat they found them to be death traps and after some delays they were withdrawn from service.
    If the Ukies think these are an improvement then the old soviet stuff must be bad!

  9. ''The ceasefire also suggests the start of a “dialogue” on how to conduct
    local elections in Donetsk and Luhansk, and mandates that, within 30
    days, the Ukrainian parliament pass a resolution indicating which
    territories fall under a “special regime” of local self-governance. It
    doesn’t take an advanced degree in political science to look at that
    extraordinarily vague formulation and see the potential for quite a lot
    of mischief from either side. For example, it’s very easy to imagine
    s law being passed but the separatists saying that it doesn’t satisfy
    their demands and then proclaiming that Kiev has “violated the
    ceasefire” before marching off to capture more territory.''


    This ''Minsk'' agreement is nothing but a fake attempt to try to cool down the conflict - it`ll continue as long as Putin doesnt get what he wants - direct meeting with Obama and Merkel to discuss ''fate of the world''.
    He wants and needs Helsinki `75 2.0 type of arrangement. Putin always has been and still is a Westerner - yes indeed. All the anti-Western rhethoric is just that - read all his speeches of last two years - its open whining that the West didnt hug him close enough, that West despite Putins attempts to be as good as possible never recognised and respected him enough...

    The real problem is that his war is totally manufactured - the conflict as such is fake and with it, the whole logic of war has no end at all. We are in total dead end situation - even if Kiev would give all of Donetsk and Lugansk region to seperatists, you really think they`d stop?
    Of course not. So this is only a total destruction of Ukraine or total destruction of rebel cause.
    The latter isnt going to happen,ever.
    Ukraine isnt the end but only a means to Putin to lure out West which has sanctioned him and made him a parriah of sorts.

    Thats why Obama and every other person who has real,actual power in Washington is reluctant,really reluctant to arm Ukraine - they know, that first of all Ukraines army is badly trained and morale is somewhat low but thats not even the biggest problem.
    They realize that no matter how much ammo and weapons they give to Ukraine, Putin will continue throwing his arms and troops and every kind of support to seperatists in order to ensure that they dont loose an inch of ground.
    So there is only one vector - escalation.

    As I see it, its only total destruction of Ukraine and giving Putin whatever he wants to do in Ukraine (such as land corridor to Crimea) and with it encouring him to move in other countries (my - Baltics - for starter) OR getting rid of Putin.
    But that of course isnt achievable - regime change never comes from ballot boxes or street protests.
    All that we can hope is palace coup but we`ll only learn about it when it has actually happened - if there are people from Russia talking about it, know - it`ll be stopped.


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