Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Blast from the past. Chesty Puller Quote...

“Our Country won’t go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any AMERICA because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race!”
- Lt. Gen. Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC

And with that I'm off to the gym to lift....


  1. Along your lines of how our ground combat forces are way too small. It looks like the Heritage Foundation agrees with you.

  2. That man eats concertina wire with a side of nails for breakfast!

  3. A little more info, they may be not 100% right...

    In those 120 vehicles there are... 4 Abrams tanks, probably M1A2 SEPv2 from Grafenwöhr base and 33 M2A3 Bradley. Not too much "power" right?

    Of course mister Ławrow don't like that show of force and say that Russia will response!

    From the other way... if still are some people who think that what happen in Crimea was a spontaneous and not planed action that surprise Russia, well I bet this vision will represent us the RT resident in SNAFU if you all know about who I speak... then president Putin will prove the he just lie.

    Rossija 1 the FR state TV emit the trailer of document movie about how Crimea "join" Russia. There president Putin say like in night from 22 to 23 February give the order to his men that "they need to do starting to work to bring back Crimea to Russia".

    Sooo... official "spontaneous" decision of Crimean people was just planed way before that happen on Kremlin.

  4. "People, Ideas, Hardware...in that order!" is what Boyd would always say and we have it backwards. Our military is only interested in toys instead of people and we are on our way to irrelevance with a military incapable of responding adequately.

  5. I think he was the Conan of his times...

    "Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women"

  6. Thanks, we appreciate.

    - guy from Baltics.

  7. Nowadays he'd be fired for that kind of remark.

  8. What kind of comment is it? To be honest, I do not need a US show of force. Simple question, what the hell are they doing here? Normal people in Europe are tired of that games. Afghanistan, under US controll, it has developed to the world biggest heroin producer. Iraq, since the "intervention" of US a failed state with civil war. What about Syria? Those funny terrorist which switch there name from rebels, to Al kaida to ISIS and back? Lets us arm more freaky moderate terrorists, it works so well with the ones we have. What about Lybia? What about Ukraine? What about Kosovo?

    And as fact for you. Get it in mind, common citizen of crimea are russians. They never felt different. Crimea were since 200 Years a part of Russia. In 1991 people of crimea wanted after the broke of Sowjet Union back to Russia. They were forced not to go back, they got a weak autonome statues. They were forced to talk Ukrainian, even if its not there native language.

    Ukraine is a multiethnic state which was never existing in history. His borders are the result of the communistic regime in the early 1920, as they decided to create Ukraine sovjet republic. The communists have taken the rests of the so called west ukraine, left overs of Austrian monarchy and has also taken a part of Russia, to form the ukrainian sovjet republic with romanians, hungarian, germans, jews, ukrainians, russians, greek and even polish people. There is no culture, no history and even no language they all share with each other. Even religion is catholic, orthodox, jewish and islamic.

    The support of Russia to go out of Ukraine is a fact, the votes of people to leave the country another one. Over 2 milion has changed there passport. 3000 not. Nearly the complete ukrainian army on Crimea has changed into the rows of Russia. What do you want? To force people to live in a state they do not feel with? Where goverment makes permanent statements that Russians must be killed? PEOPLE DO NOT FEEL WITH UKRAINE. THE ARE RUSSIAN. For the peace maybe its time that some warmongers start to understand it.

    And last but not least, to leave the Ukraine was a REACTION! On what? Of a 5 billion dollar compaign of Nuland and her neocons. Of course, we can all play childish games and believe something like geopolitics isnt existing. The recordings of her, the leakings of emails and so on..all is not existincing. There is not the violence in the country against every opposition of the course of the goverment. There is not victims of that nazi thugs. Its all just created out of thin air. Like journalists which are jailed because they have wrong opinion, the partys which they have forbidden, the candidates which were beaten or more worse not to be anymore a part of election. And also the totally ruined economy in the country, a goal which goes completly on the account of the Porky gang. The reason of the weakness of Ukrainian army is simple to understand, the most people dont understand it. They do not want to fight there brothers and sister. They prefer to run away. 1,5 million men in military age has leaved the country. They are abroad not to fight. 1,5 MILLION!

    Every time if there is an agreement of a ceasefire, US is arming the kiev regime with new stuff, giving money and pushing them forward! EVERY single time! Minsk 2, my lovely friends in Washinton not just ignore it, NOPE, they even send troops into the country even if its forbidden based on the agreement of Minsk2. And guess what, GB and Canada and Poland, countrys which I would not really call independet if US course to the same. I am excited of this kind of show of force. Really.

    The only result of all this actions which the govemrent of US is doing, that people in Europa are more and more pissed about US. They start to understand that a war is not really touching US but most european countrys. A lot of people are tired of crazy people as Mc Cain, Nuland or Kerry and the rest of Neocons. In the past people liked US because it was the land of the free. Today? Its not so clean and simple anymore.

  9. You can get the rest of the 100000 we have here in Europe.

  10. Offtopic
    It looks like Ukrainians already screwed up two Saxons. I can’t stop laugh! Bggg
    Taken here

  11. Wow... you are wrong in so many levels that I don't know where to even start. I'm even tired to correct all those bullshit you write again and again that is just a copy/paste from RT. Next time just paste here articles from RT and don't copy whole text, less work for you. Thank you, have a nice day in your fantasy fairyland.

  12. 100k of what? and in what fantasy universe version of Europe you are speaking of?

  13. Just ask the japanese XD, one cant get as badass as that.

  14. Could it be they use these paratroopers because they are cheaper then other options, wile getting traing abroad is a big bonus?

    This certainly is symbolic anyway, its not as if these few troops are much more then a pesky little hindrance if Russia decided to extend its current role of regional bully.

    Non the less, anything is better then no reaction at all.

  15. Regardless of whether Ukrainians "felt" Ukrainian before the rebellion and Russian interference, the Russian annexation of the Crimea and it's poorly disguised support of the "rebel" Luhansk and Donetsk regions have brought out patriotic feelings. And now they won't ever be willing to rejoin the Russian empire because of the interference and heavy handedness of the Russians. All they have to do is look at Crimea and what the Russians have done to the Tartar population to see what happens to those who oppose Russian rule.

  16. They need to improve their driver training for Saxons.

  17. Anyone point me to a profile of his apart from Wikipedia?

  18. Just a formality, they stop being a member of it in 2007

  19. 1st BCT, 3rd Infantry Division already in Europe for Atlantic Resolve.

  20. If only rest of Europe cared about Eastern security - hint, they dont. Germans talk but dont do shit and the only ones really bothering are Denmark,Netherlands and UK.


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