Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fast Landing Craft Personnel. Is it time for the Marine Corps to take a new look?

Is it time for the Marine Corps to take a new look at the Fast Landing Craft Personnel?

I think so.  Consider.  The USMC is at the beginning of a REAL transformation of the Infantry Rifle Squad (I kick myself everyday for not seeing what MANY were telling me...).  In short every squad will turn into what we once called a "Super Squad".  The standards, training, manning and equipping will be second to none.

We need to get those units ashore, quickly and in fighting shape....and we might not have the luxury of using helicopters or tiltrotors to get the job done....add to it that we're going to be putting Marines aboard "other than" amphibious ships and we need a craft that can go fast, far, protect our Marines from the elements and deliver them ready to fight.

Which brings me to what I think is the ideal solution.  The Watercat M12.

I looked at several offerings from around the world...the LCM-1E, several offerings from BMT Camien and they all failed to impress.

The Watercat M12 will deliver 22 Marines at speeds up to 35 knots at almost 200 nm from shore.  They're small enough to be carried aboard most alternate forms of transport that the Marine Corps is considering and will provide the type of mobility that these units will  lack without a dedicated air detachment (which might not be available or the ships might not be able to accommodate).

The Watercat M12 deserves a look-see.  Borrowing one or two from the Finnish Navy to conduct experiments with Company Landing Teams or even Rifle Squads would go a long way to determining whether they would fit into our future operating concepts.

It would require teaming with the Navy and Military Sea Lift Command...maybe even SOCOM (still have issues with the teaming but its done so lets roll with it) to see where they would be useful, but its something that we should make happen.

SIDENOTE: Everyone is excited about the CB90. I view that more as a patrol boat than a fast landing craft. I realize that the Swedish Marines use it in the assault role, but I still contend that the Watercat M12 is more suited to USMC mission sets. Coastal Defense, Off Shore Patrol Duty falling into the turf currently occupied by the Riverines. While I still chaff at the Marine Corps abandoning that mission, the deed is done. In times of austerity purchases must be based on need not desire. The M12 fits the bill.