Friday, February 05, 2016

Women in combat proponents endanger the 99% of women who don't want to serve.

via The Daily Caller.
“The draft is precisely why this has never been about “a few women who want to.” You make policy based on the 99% of women who don’t volunteer to serve, not a tiny fraction of the already tiny fraction of women who do volunteer,” Eden said.
For Eden, it has taken the threat of drafting women to prompt lawmakers to start talking about oversight, even though that oversight should have taken place back in 2013 when the Obama administration announced initial intentions to open ground combat roles to women.
Back in August 2015, Eden wrote an op-ed in The New York Times asking Carter not to open all combat roles to women, as the addition runs the risk of ruining mission success.
“Commanders of coed units know too well the added burdens of trying to juggle sexual dynamics, accommodations, relationships, fraternization, rape, pregnancy, hygiene and much more while maintaining troop welfare and good order and discipline, let alone mission accomplishment,” Eden wrote. “These are liabilities that can result in mission failure and high casualties in the combat units, all to satisfy a tiny group of women selfishly petitioning for their own career advancement.”
This is awesome and worrisome at the same time.  Because our military leadership sat on their hands while Haney, Ripley and the USNI Blog drove this policy down their throats, now all our daughters are at risk.

Their own selfishness, desire to be politically correct and STUPIDITY is driving this extremely logical move to require women to register for the draft.

True equality for women comes with good and bad.  Haney, Ripley and USNI Blog should have thought about their daughters and granddaughters that don't want to be in the military.  The draft will eventually come back, and it's a good possibility that one of their female descendants will join me in cursing the underhanded techniques used to pass this.

If I'm still around I'll mourn for their children and curse them.  If I'm not then I'll do it from hell.

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