Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Air Dominance is out, "Penetrating CounterAir" is in! The USAF Air Superiority 2030 Plan. UPDATED!!!!!

Thanks to Don for the link!

The USAF Air Superiority 2030 Plan(here).  A new term that you should learn....
Penetrating Counterair (PCA). Capability development efforts for PCA will focus on maximizing tradeoffs between range, payload, survivability, lethality, affordability, and supportability. While PCA capability will certainly have a role in targeting and engaging, it also has a significant role as a node in the network, providing data from its penetrating sensors to enable employment using either stand-off or stand-in weapons. As part of this effort, the Air Force should proceed with a formal AoA in 2017 for a PCA capability. Consistent with an agile acquisition mindset designed to deliver the right capability on the required timeline, this AoA will include options to leverage rapid development and prototyping in order to keep ahead of the threat. 
I don't know what that actually means.  But if you think that's something then check this out...
 The Air Force’s projected force structure in 2030 is not capable of fighting and winning against this array of potential adversary capabilities.
By plan the F-35 will be in full rate production and we will be filling the skies with the airplane.  Yet if we build according to plan the USAF's projected force structure is not capable of fighting and winning?

This document has me reaching out to knowledgeable contacts to get their opinion on what this all means.

UPDATE:  I missed the real headline and news with this.  Check this part of the "Penetrating Counterair" Concept....
Capability development efforts for PCA will focus on maximizing tradeoffs between range, payload, survivability, lethality, affordability, and supportability. 
That sounds like another fighter airplane!  Range, payload, survivability, lethality, affordability and supportability?  Doesn't it sound familiar?????

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