Friday, April 01, 2011

USS Nassau decommissioned from service


USS Nassau decommissioned from service

Ends nearly 32 years of service to U.S. Navy

Updated: Thursday, 31 Mar 2011, 5:17 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 31 Mar 2011, 3:23 PM EDT
NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) - Over three decades of military service came to an end Thursday as the USS Nassau (LHA 4) was decommissioned at Naval Station Norfolk.
"Haul down the colors and secure the watch," was ordered by one U.S. Navy officer.
As crewmen from the amphibious assault ship disembarked the USS Nassau for the last time, the falling rain seemed appropriate for the occasion.
"This is not rain, these are tears," said Vice Adm. Peter Daily. "Tears because we're saying goodbye to a magnificent ship. Maybe a little bit before it's time."
In its 31 years of service, the Nassau carried Marines and sailors in support of military and humanitarian missions from Lebanon, Iraq and Haiti - missions similar to those carried out today off the coast of Libya and ashore in Japan in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake.
"We are witnessing a living clinic for why we need amphibious power in our Navy," said VADM Daily.
As the Navy retired the Nassau, her last commander reminded the audience that a ship, in and of itself, is nothing more than steel.
"Nassau was brought to life by people," said Captain Samuel Norton. "People have made Nassau Special."
People like Jim McGaha, who joined the ship about a year after she was commissioned in 1979.
"When I come on the ship that's one thing, said McGaha, "but I've not seen these guys in thirty years so that was reason enough to come back."
"Whether you're a sailor or Marine, you're a part of Nassau and you'll always be a part of the "Top Gator" team," said CAPT Norton.
As the decommissioning ceremony closed, one final pronouncement was made aboard the ship was made for all to hear:
"The men and women, both past and present that have served in Nassau gave her life for almost 32 years. Now as machinery is secured, the lights go dark, the hatches are closed and the last sailor goes ashore, her decks fall silent as she exhales her last breath and goes into history having proudly and faithfully served our nation."
The Nassau now heads to a facility in Beaumont, Texas, where it will stay in storage in case the Navy decides to reactivate the ship.
I'm not saddened by the news of the NASSAU being retired.

I'm pissed about it !

Why are we going to let this ship sit in a "watery retirement home" when it should be used in Marine Corps experiments to see if the aviation connector of the Sea Base is viable and necessary.  The Mobile Landing Platform is budgeted this year.  Every part of the concept is coming together...the only part in doubt (at least in my mind) is the 'aviation connector' so why not let the NASSAU do that work?

Using the Nassau in the role during exercises would allow  active ships to remain viable, it would allow the experimentation to go forward without disrupting ship/unit deployment schedules, and it would make a notional exercise come to life with an actual ship filling another vital role in the concept.