Monday, August 15, 2011

RAF Voyager Tanker Aircraft

A Royal Air Force Voyager aircraft is pictured refuelling a Tornado GR4 during trials by Qinetic.
The RAF’s largest ever aircraft, Voyager, has been flown by an RAF pilot at the Royal International Air Tattoo, Fairford for its first public appearance.
Fourteen Voyager aircraft and a complete support package are being provided to the RAF under a 27 year £10.5Bn Private Finance Initiative contract signed with the AirTanker consortium. In addition to the aircraft, the service will provide training and maintenance, and brand new purpose-built buildings at RAF Brize Norton, the RAF’s air transport hub.
Photographer: Qinetic via MoD
A Royal Air Force Voyager Tanker Aircraft.
The RAF’s largest ever aircraft, Voyager, has been flown by an RAF pilot at the Royal International Air Tattoo, Fairford for its first public appearance.
Fourteen Voyager aircraft and a complete support package are being provided to the RAF under a 27 year £10.5Bn Private Finance Initiative contract signed with the AirTanker consortium. In addition to the aircraft, the service will provide training and maintenance, and brand new purpose-built buildings at RAF Brize Norton, the RAF’s air transport hub.
Photographer: Qinetic via MoD
A Royal Air Force Voyager Tanker Aircraft.
The RAF’s largest ever aircraft, Voyager, has been flown by an RAF pilot at the Royal International Air Tattoo, Fairford for its first public appearance.
Fourteen Voyager aircraft and a complete support package are being provided to the RAF under a 27 year £10.5Bn Private Finance Initiative contract signed with the AirTanker consortium. In addition to the aircraft, the service will provide training and maintenance, and brand new purpose-built buildings at RAF Brize Norton, the RAF’s air transport hub.
Photographer: Qinetic via MoD
A Royal Air Force Voyager Tanker Aircraft.
The RAF’s largest ever aircraft, Voyager, has been flown by an RAF pilot at the Royal International Air Tattoo, Fairford for its first public appearance.
Fourteen Voyager aircraft and a complete support package are being provided to the RAF under a 27 year £10.5Bn Private Finance Initiative contract signed with the AirTanker consortium. In addition to the aircraft, the service will provide training and maintenance, and brand new purpose-built buildings at RAF Brize Norton, the RAF’s air transport hub.
Photographer: Qinetic via MoD
A Royal Air Force Voyager Tanker Aircraft.
The RAF’s largest ever aircraft, Voyager, has been flown by an RAF pilot at the Royal International Air Tattoo, Fairford for its first public appearance.
Fourteen Voyager aircraft and a complete support package are being provided to the RAF under a 27 year £10.5Bn Private Finance Initiative contract signed with the AirTanker consortium. In addition to the aircraft, the service will provide training and maintenance, and brand new purpose-built buildings at RAF Brize Norton, the RAF’s air transport hub.
Photographer: Qinetic via MoD


The size of this tanker is pure dee crazy.

The USAF lucked into the right decision.  If they had picked the A-330 like all the Air Bus apologist had recommended then the infrastructure costs alone would have caused the USAF to go bankrupt.  Some are blaming Air Force woes on the stealth fighter force.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

What the USAF is facing is in essence the block obsolescence of several different classes of airplanes at the same time. If anything, the fighter force while not perfect is at least going to be recapitalized.  Every other type of airplane is in jeopardy.  And thats the shame of it.