Sunday, March 25, 2012

DDG-1000 future of Navy Surface Warfare???

The DDG-1000 is the future of the Navy's Surface Warfare Fleet.

No if's, and's or but's about it.

Or so says Elements of Power.

Which seems to bring us right back to the idea of maybe a family of modern warships based upon the DD(X)'s original objectives isn't such a bad idea after all? Is the Navy angling towards an eventual CG-1000 or just slouching their way to greatness?
 The Zumwalt's have significantly more room in their hulls for new or additional systems, and more power available to run them. modular weaponization, and long range guided artillery for when you need it. IMHO, it would be almost be worth it alone just to tweak the noses of people who can't stand or fear the 'Tumblehome' hull design.  
He hits on the main objection that many state when talking about the DDG-1000 (besides some not liking the idea of naval guns returning)...the tumblehome hull.

I don't know squat about naval architecture so I'll take his word for it.  But I HAVE seen videos of comparisons between the tumblehome and conventional hull designs and it does appear to be superior.  I'll wait and see but Elements of Power makes a strong case for the DDG-1000 actually delivering while we're seeing the LCS class falter.