Monday, May 28, 2012

Harpoon for LCS. The campaign continues.

The biggest complaint against the LCS is that it isn't a proper warship.  Its fast, but underarmed, under crewed and unable to take the fight to the enemy.

The more I look at the Harpoon missile system the more I'm convinced that it needs to be included in the weapons suite of the LCS.

In its standard form and its Stand off Land Attack Missile variant it would prove to be a game changer for the program.  Additionally with its light weight launch system it could easily fit on board the ship without compromising it in the slightest.

Read more about the Harpoon missile here, here and here.

If this missile system can be truck mounted then surely we can fit it aboard a 3000 ton warship!

Tom informed me of a unique Australian solution to getting the Harpoon missile system aboard their Oliver Perry class frigates.  Even though the forward vertical launch cells are shallow, they simply allow the enclosure to protrude above deck.  Outstanding.  Now we can save development money for a missile for LCS and simply fill them with either Harpoon or SLAM-ER for use against warships or land targets.

This problem is solved.  Now if the Navy would get its head out of its rear end and implement it, we can move on to more pressing issues.  My bill is in the mail.