Tuesday, July 17, 2012

MARSOC service pistol. Cool trumps practical.

COLT Rail Gun
Soldier Systems is reporting that MARSOC has chosen the Colt 1911 with rails as its next service pistol.

My immediate reaction is what the fuck?

Is this another case of cool trumping practicality?  Lets face it.  THERE ARE A NUMBER of practical, reliable, less expensive, more capable 45 caliber pistols available on the market today.
You want a go to hell and back 45?  How about the Glock 21.  13 instead of 8 rounds, Polymer so it can handle the jungle better, railed so it can take lasers or lights....oh and its freaking available without having to buy every single piece of it in a custom shop.
FNH 45.
You want fancy?  You want to slam a suppressor, optics and lasers on your gun?  Then how about the FNH 45?  The point is this.  I don't know who the clown is in MARSOC that has this Colt fetish but its becoming annoying.  Its not even the best weapon available, its only the most expensive, the least durable and the hardest to maintain.


Update:  PLEASE!  Please don't hit me with the 1911 is the AK of pistols!  Its legendary but its a primitive design that's been passed by newer models.  How about a few more examples of pistols that would serve MARSOC better than the cool boy 1911...

XD Tactical 45


It didn't take long for MARSOC to turn into just another of the pretty boy Special Ops outfits did it???  I've never been a supporter but I had high hopes that they would follow in the US Army Ranger and Special Forces tradition and not tag behind Navy SEALs.  Boutique weapons for the sake of boutique weapons fit is not the way to go.  The accountants are coming for all, not just the Conventional Forces.  This will bite SOCOM in the ass and all the camp followers in the Commandant's office too.  I can't wait for new leadership.  Both in the Commandant's office and in the White House.