Friday, April 12, 2013

UPDATE & CLARIFICATION. CV-90 Armadillo (Denmark). More details

I need to clarify my previous post on the CV-90 (Denmark).  In it I said that the superstructure (I'll be calling it a turret...just one that doesn't rotate...from now on) housed the driver and track commander.

Didn't mean to confuse.  The driver is of course housed in the "vehicle body" and the TC will be in the turret.  Of course that makes nothing but sense.  Additionally I've been informed that the section behind the turret is capable of being removed and fitted with different modules.

I consider it the CV-90 on roids mixed with a big dose of SEP DNA.  Sidenote.  I still consider the SEP to be the best vehicle never to be procured.  That was a concept that was WAAAY before its time.