A while ago JeffHead wrote a page where he covered what he would like to see in future US military tech in order to counter a rising, technologically capable China. Read it here (well worth the time). He predicted the refueling variant of the V-22 and proposed an anti-sub version. But the type that would probably fit in with the new "Aviation Centric" Marine Corps is his other proposal. An AEW variant. Advantages? The Brits would be more than interested. Disadvantage? Once again, cost. I have no idea what HQMC thinking is. If past is prologue though, it wouldn't be a stretch to see this being pushed in the near future.
Additional Reading...
UK Armed Forces Commentary..
Navy Matters..
Trishul Group..
NOTE: Alexander asked/stated..."The first step toward the America becoming a carrier"? My thinking is no. More like Majors Thiele and Rubenstein prediction coming true.
Unless arrested, this trend will continue until ultimately the only difference between Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force aircraft and pilots will be the word “Marines” stenciled on the bird. At that point, budget pressures are likely to lead to the end of Marine fixed-wing aviation.