Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Another local PD, another donated MRAP...

Note:  Until I see these PD's going after hardcore gang bangers, drug dealers, and the like (instead of getting tough with average citizens having an "oh shit" moment) I will continue to rail against law enforcement getting these vehicles.

The Columbia Police Department has acquired a new armored vehicle for use in dangerous situations.
The mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicle was donated through a U.S. Department of Defense program.
The program gives surplus military equipment to state and local civilian law enforcement agencies free of charge.
“The Police Department MRAP will be a barrier between the public and a hostile person or situation such as a barricaded suspect with weapons who may be threatening someone’s life. We want to protect citizens as best as possible,” Interim Police Chief Ruben Santiago said.
The MRAP is bullet-proof and seats nine officers including one in the turret.
Summit Paint and Body donated services to paint the vehicle, which is currently assigned to the city’s SWAT Team and was displayed in Monday’s Veterans Day parade.
I wonder who gives these LEO's their talking points.  Every statement from every agency is practically copy and paste...they're all the same.

Citizens need to get a cruel fact into their heads.

An active shooter situation will be a roll of the dice if they behave the way that authorities recommend.  Take a mall for example.  Shots are fired they recommend you get inside a store and lock yourself in.  Shootings as a school?  Find a room and lock yourself inside.

Meanwhile the Police are getting to the scene, securing the perimeter, waiting for reinforcements to arrive, allowing the SWAT Team to decide exactly how they're going to conduct their breach or entry, moving SWAT into position to do the plan, SWAT moves from the entry or breach point to the suspect, fire fight ensues, and finally the situation ends.

If you're lucky, you are facing a bad guy with a gun, without Police support for at BEST 45 min or more.

An MRAP won't serve as barricade for the public.  Its just a toy.  At least how they're being used now.