Saturday, November 02, 2013

Israel jumps the USMC on V-22 purchase list? SNAFU's take on it...

photoshop via Sobchak Security Blog.
Hagel announced that Israel would be taking the USMC's production slots for the V-22.

Read the articles (tons of them out there) for yourself, but I have to disagree with many that are claiming that this means that the Israeli's are putting their stamp of approval on the airplane.

I'm a bit cynical on the whole thing.  I see it as ....

1.  The Israelis are getting a new toy.  Only 6?  Not enough to really make a difference and will be a very specialized asset for them.  Maybe transport for spies going into Iran so they don't have to jump or even for long range rescue of downed pilots.  But an everyday war machine?  6 just don't cut it for that type of thing.

2.  This is another move by Amos to protect funds for the F-35.  The grumbling inside the Marine Corps is getting louder and louder.  Everyone is waking up to the fact that the air wing is getting a disproportionate amount of the funding budget and something as critical as a replacement for the AAV is being pushed out.  The CH-53K is next in line for production funds and its going to be difficult to explain the F-35, MV-22 and CH-53K all being bought while the ACV, MPC and maybe even the JLTV (which I'm not sold on) are all being delayed.

All in all this is another budget game being played out as support for Israel.  I'm not impressed and I'm not surprised.  Future generations of Marines will curse the decisions being made today even more than I do.