Friday, November 29, 2013

Top Tanks.

My quick and dirty top tanks for each "need"...Please note ahead of time that my placing of the Leopard in the celebrity category will enrage all its supporters.  Sorry, but yes, the Canadians used it in Afghanistan but it never got a chance to see the full time combat in their sector.  We still don't know how it stands up to the rigors of deployment and the brunt of enemy fire.  Until we do, it remains a question.  Is it as tough as we're all told or is it a paper tiger that will shred once the first anti-tank round hit it?  I don't know and neither do you.

Expeditionary.  You have to move halfway around the world and need firepower to bring with you because airpower is spotty and you might not have enough cannons available.


Defensive.  You're surrounded by enemies that want to slice your throat in the dark and you need a tank that can soak up punishment while dishing it out.

Tie.  Merkava IV and Challenger 2.

Offensive.  You need a tank that can go fast, hit hard and protect its crews at the same time.

M1A2 Abrams.

Cutting edge.  The future of warfare.  We don't know where armored vehicle development is going but these look good.

Tie.  Altay, K2 and Type 10.

Celebrity.  You're loved, we don't quite know why but everyone worships the ground you walk on.

Leopard 2.