Wednesday, March 19, 2014

KMW's Mungo Large Capacity Vehicle...

Thanks for the link Mr. T!

Note:  Earlier I did a post on the Mungo being the only vehicle that "off the shelf" met the requirements put out by the US Army for an Ultra Light Combat Vehicle.  It was pointed out that the legacy Mungo had problems off road.  Its to be expected with an internally transported vehicle (inside CH-47), but the new Mungo LCV seems to have worked the problem.  I remain convinced that the Mungo is the only off the shelf vehicle that will meet army specs.


More space for missions
In the versions of the MUNGO Large Capacity, the vehicle is equipped with a continuous and armored large-capacity cabin. The useable volume can be as large as 8 cubic meters. The MUNGO Large Capacity Vehicle is air-transportable in a CH53 transport helicopter, despite its  larger exterior dimensions and higher weight. Therefore, it is especially suitable for deployment with the airborne forces.

Performance characteristics of the  MUNGO Large Capacity Vehicle
  • Transportable as an internal load on board the CH 53 and CH 47 helicopters
  • Up to 3 vehicles simultaneously transportable in a C130, C160 and A400M
  • Versions: Command and Communications, N/C-Reconnaissance or Field Ambulance.
  • Protection against ballistic threats (Level 2),  explosive devices and mines