via Proceedings...
An alternative conceptual craft with its pedigree in the LCU-1610 class is the LCU (F). This design was described in Proceedings in the summer of 2013 (see “A Landing Craft for the 21st Century,” by Susanne Altenburger; Commander Michael Bosworth, U.S. Navy (Retired); and Captain Michael Junge, U.S. Navy, July 2013, pp. 60–64) and currently only exists in PowerPoint, but appears worthy of further examination. It promises to provide the higher speed, larger payload capacity, greater fuel efficiency, and better beach-landing ability needed to fulfill today’s amphibious-force requirements, yet the LCU (F) could be hydraulically folded in a “transformer-like” manner to fit neatly into the standard well-decks of major amphibious transport ships. In theory, conceptual connectors like this could also be flexible enough to aggregate via nonconventional means, similar to how we bring lighterage into theater via container ships today. Additionally, the LCU (F) is envisioned to carry up to 200 tons of personnel and equipment at a speed of almost 20 knots—an improvement of more than 20 tons and 10 knots when comparing it to the LCU-1610 class.That article has the current Commandant's name on it. Read it here.
My take on it?
Enough dithering. Give these people some coin and have them prove the concept. If it works then we've solved a number of issues....They can be carried aboard the deck of MPS ships, Amphibious Ships and in the right conditions self deploy.
Do I believe in Amos' 200 miles off shore sea base? Nope. Do I believe that we need an LCU 1600 replacement? You bet your ass.
So again. Enough talk. We've seen MCDCC waste enough money on several dubious projects. This one makes sense. Lets get on it.
Sidenote: I continue to be unimpressed with the L-CAT and wonder why it has so many fans. Read its stats here but its payload is unimpressive and its speed mediocre when compared to the LCAC or what the designers say the LCU(F) will deliver. The Marine Corps has a fascination with foreign designs...and sometimes they deliver. The L-CAT in my opinion doesn't and should be dropped from further consideration.