Saturday, August 01, 2015

US Army Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) Light Tank via Defense Media Review...

Defense Media Review has coverage of the Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) Light Tank.  Read it here but a spoiler...
The 82nd Airborne’s unaddressed forcible entry capability requirement, essentially the need for a tank-type vehicle with a large caliber main gun, was also found to plague regular Army IBCT formations in combat zones, especially in early stages of combat operations. Rush noted, “today’s Infantry Brigade Combat Team has less organic direct fire support then was available to Infantry units in World War II. Specifically, armor battalions equipped with the M-4 Sherman medium tank routinely supported light Infantry Divisions in this era.”

I'm suitably impressed.

The Army has finally wrapped its head around the fact that it has lost a capability and is trying to get it back.  Another spoiler...
“By the way, we are not considering the M8 Armored Gun System for this requirement,” Rush added, explaining the vehicle was developed in the 1990s based on technology available at the time. “We are seeking a new solution, one that will focus on science and technology advancements in protection, lethality, power, and weight savings”.
From memory the only vehicle that meets this requirement in production today would be the CV90-105.  Would the Army consider buying it off the shelf?  Is it too heavy for transport by C-130?  Could a strip down version be developed that
would allow armor to be added in the field like the M8?

I have no idea.  I do know that the article is definitely worth the read.