Thursday, September 17, 2015

When did BAE sell NIMR the rights to the RG35?

Above you see what was once the BAE RG35.  A family of vehicles that I was smitten with but failed to experience sales success.

While making my spin thru the internet I ran across this NIMR press release...
NIMR Automotive LLC, a military vehicle manufacturer based in Abu Dhabi, UAE and a member of the Emirates Defence Industries Company (EDIC), has expanded its range of vehicles with the N35Multi-Role Protected Vehicle.
The N35 4x4 and 6x6 wheeled armoured combat vehicles are an evolution of Denel Vehicle Systems’ (DVS) RG35, now under full ownership of NIMR. NIMR continues to collaborate with DVS to enhance the design, performance and capabilities of the vehicle range...
Is this the new model?  Major defense corporations develop vehicles and then simply sell them to nation state sponsored entities?

If this is the case then the armor race is not only on but about to become a bit chaotic.  Vehicle identification is going to be an issue and Blue Force tracker (or whatever its called now) will become even more important....additionally knowing the capabilities/vulnerabilities of the enemy you face will become a bit more difficult.