via IHS Janes.
Projekt System and Management (PSM) is now ramping up production of the Puma Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle (AIFV) for the German Army with full rate production of 66 units a year to be achieved in 2017.
The current Puma AIFV contract for the German Army covers the supply of 350 units, which includes 8 in the driver training role from the 2 production lines.
By August 2016, 78 Puma AIFVs plus 5 driver training vehicles had been delivered to the German Army with another 31 AIFV to be delivered by the end of 2016.

Now for the question that's gonna piss off my German readers. How is the Puma any better than the latest example of the Bradley IFV? When you take
a step back and get past the "oooh the Puma is German" I don't think it is.