Friday, October 21, 2016

CH-53K King Stallion successfully completed initial operational testing

The damn thing can hold a Humvee?  Impressive.

via press release.
Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) today announced the CH-53K King Stallion successfully completed initial operational testing by the U.S. Marine Corps to verify the key capabilities of the heavy lift helicopter. The week-long operational assessment by Marine Corps pilots, aircrew and maintainers marked an important step in support of a Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Milestone C decision early next year.
"This successful operational assessment by the Marine Corps is a clear sign of the maturity and the robust capability of the King Stallion," said Dr. Michael Torok, Sikorsky Vice President CH-53K Programs. "This was a key requirement in support of the upcoming Milestone C decision, and its success is another important step in our transition from development into production."
The Marine Corps is REALLY pushing this testing hard.  I know its budget related and that they want to clear the books of this requirement but I wonder if they're missing stuff.

It kinda makes you wonder why ground programs are stuck in pergatory.  It takes 4 years for the Amos to make a decision on the ACV, then it will take another 8 before it enters production?

I can take the budget games but I can't take the lies.  Priority my ass.  The ground combat element is dying.